Windows run commands (Win + R) |
The Windows + R shortcut opens the Run dialog box in Windows. You can use it to quickly execute commands and open various programs, tools, and settings. Below is a comprehensive list of commonly used Windows + R commands and their functions: * System and Administrative Tools -------- cmd = Opens Command Prompt. powershell = Opens PowerShell. services.msc = Opens the Services Manager. taskmgr = Opens Task Manager. msconfig = Opens System Configuration. eventvwr = Opens Event Viewer. compmgmt.msc = Opens Computer Management. regedit = Opens the Registry Editor. perfmon = Opens Performance Monitor. gpedit.msc = Opens Group Policy Editor (if available). dxdiag = Opens DirectX Diagnostic Tool. cleanmgr = Opens Disk Cleanup utility. diskmgmt.msc = Opens Disk Management. sysdm.cpl = Opens System Properties. * Networking and Connection -------- ncpa.cpl = Opens Network Connections. inetcpl.cpl = Opens Internet Options. mstsc = Opens Remote Desktop Connection. control /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter = Opens Network and Sharing Center. wf.msc = Opens Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security. * Control Panel Applets -------- control = Opens Control Panel. appwiz.cpl = Opens Programs and Features. powercfg.cpl = Opens Power Options. timedate.cpl = Opens Date and Time settings. desk.cpl = Opens Display Settings. hdwwiz.cpl = Opens Device Manager. sysdm.cpl = Opens System Properties. * File System and Folders Command Function . = Opens the current user s home directory. .. = Opens the parent directory of the current folder. control folders = Opens Folder Options. %temp% = Opens the Temporary Files folder. shell:startup = Opens the Startup folder. shell:sendto = Opens the SendTo folder. * System Utilities -------- notepad = Opens Notepad. calc = Opens Calculator. charmap = Opens Character Map. mspaint = Opens Paint. snippingtool = Opens Snipping Tool. osk = Opens On-Screen Keyboard. write = Opens WordPad. * Other Useful Commands -------- explorer = Opens File Explorer. control printers = Opens Devices and Printers. control keyboard = Opens Keyboard Properties. control mouse = Opens Mouse Properties. |
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